
How do we promote sustaining the preservation of biodiversity? Why should we protect biodiversity?  If more people knew about the detrimental results of the decrease in biological diversity would it be protected? How do we protect biodiversity?

Lichen Diversity

We know that humans are primarily responsible for the decrease in biodiversity.  No I’m not making it up; it’s not some crazy propaganda. The six years I’ve spent in post-secondary education have taught me this and I’ve devoted my career to the preservation of biodiversity.

So why is it our responsibility to lead lives that don’t further the loss of biodiversity? You may ask why do we need to clean up after others.

I understand why you wouldn’t want to clean up after others but I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to live as lightly and sustainability as possible.

We are all in it together, one earth, one atmosphere, one economy, one global  food source, and all in interconnected ecosystems. Everything interacts. The actions of our predecessors have influenced us and our actions will influence future generations.

Grassland with Lupine, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, and Idaho Fescue

Grassland with Lupine, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, and Idaho Fescue

To further aid biodiversity preservation, a societal change towards valuing biodiversity will have to occur. Aldo Leopold presented the idea of Land Ethic and this is the way to sustainability.

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

Education will aid in the that societal change. Once education is changed, policy will change in time.

How do we promote sustainability education?

Ultimately, a worldwide biodiversity ethic may take time and only be achieved with much struggle. With the destruction of biodiversity and not change in ethics, our world be may be changed for the worse. We must continue to promote biological conservation to the public.

Striving for a sustainable lifestyle by eating and growing organic food, recycling, composting, reducing will all help. But we all need to be helping.

How are we doing as a global community?  From the results of the UN Climate talks a couple weeks ago, I’m not sure we’re doing so well.

I’ve asked a lot of questions here but I’ve not answered them all. I don’t have definitive answers to these questions. I just hope, think, and hypothesize.

3 thoughts on “Biodiversity

  1. Pingback: Loss of Biodiversity: Three Numbers, Two Concepts, and One Hypothesis | Biodiversidad vegetal

  2. Pingback: Biodiversity | Wild Strawberry Ranch | WORLD ORGANIC NEWS

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